Arusha Coffee Mill was established in 1997 and currently has the newest milling equipment in the Northern Zone of Tanzania. It is located at the foot of Mt Meru in Arusha, about 170 kilometres from the farms. Arusha's cool and temperate climate is perfect for processing and storing coffee. Arusha Coffee Mill was established in 1997 and currently has the newest milling equipment in the Northern Zone of Tanzania. The mill can process 4 tonnes of parchment coffee per day. As well as milling our own coffee, we also provide the following milling services to coffee farmers in Northern Tanzania.
The mill offers the following services:
For more information on our rates please contact us: info@edelweiss.co.tz
Coffee Exporters Ltd was incorporated in 1955 which makes it one of the oldest exporters in Tanzania. With such extensive experience we can offer green exports with unrivalled experience and professionalism.
Our cupping laboratory is led by two qualified liquorers. We cup taste a whole range of Tanzanian coffees and provide critical analysis to other farmers in order to monitor and improve coffee processing across the region. By cupping all lots of coffee auctioned in Tanzania, we are able to meet our green coffee buyers' requirements and match their taste profiles.
For more information about available coffees please contact us: info@edelweiss.co.tz
Coffee Exporters (Kenya) Ltd markets and exports green coffee from Kenya and has been trading in Kenya since 1967. Coffee Exporters (Kenya) Ltd also maintains a cupping laboratory and has liquorers available to assess coffees and source green coffee in accordance with our buyers' requirements.
For more information on our latest coffees please contact us: coffeeexporters@coffeexporterltd.com